Monday, February 22, 2010

So many decisions..

Dear Friends and Family,


With Jimi and Miller being out of town, last week began with scrubbing of the house, which is really "Lorie time", followed by more of Lorie time to dos. By the start of Sunday morning, I was praying for a miracle that Jimi and Miller would just appear somehow; I was lonely and bored. We have gotten so much snow here; it has pretty much not stopped since last Thursday, therefore, I had no desire to go out on Sunday. But, obviously, I did manage to keep busy and survive the day.


Anyhow, I finished several craft projects, took Jennifer to Hooters for supper, played with my new camera, drew every appliance in the Kitchen including the cupboards and counter tops, and had supper with Tammy & Greg. It was a nice week.


On Friday I had the three part second interviews with the design team. That position would really be right up my alley and my personality would be perfect for it, if my future plans were different. I don't have any clue if they will even offer me the job, but it will be hard decision for me, if they do. My skepticism comes from the amount of hours I would be expected to work. One Manager told me they work long hours of 6am conference calls with China and 7pm conference calls with someone else. Another manager told me that by Thursday night most people in the department have 50 hours in. I really don't want to work THAT much. And actually, I'm not sure that I could. I still have to work for Cencorp, which must be a considered factor. Jimi told me not to stress over it and first see what they come back with.


Jimi has called me about two times everyday; he and Miller are doing great and their trip is going very well. Jimi says Miller loves the beach where he can run and sniff for miles. Jimi has, unfortunately, gotten into some poison ivy. That's a double yuck!! And it's been raining a lot. He found a couple of really good marinas further South for us. They are a little more expensive than we had originally hoped for, but still do-able. Today they will go through San Francisco and on up to Fort Bragg. Fort Bragg was our original thought of destination. He will check it out again since he is there. By this evening he should be headed back East. I am hoping he will be home by Wednesday.


It stopped snowing last night sometime; however, it's suppose to start up again about 11am today. I have no clue how much we've gotten, but it's a lot. That's all for now!


Love everybody,

Lorie & Jimi

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentines & President's Day

Hello all,


We had a nice Valentines Day/weekend. Jimi pulled a muscle in his back Saturday morning and was mostly laid up for the next three days. We went to a really nice place for dinner Saturday night and otherwise he went crazy laying around unable to do much, while I worked on my various craft projects and cleaned house, etc. For me it was relaxing - for Jimi is was stressful.


We had a great time Friday night shooting pool with friends, Tammy and Greg, at the Moose Lodge. We played from 8pm until midnight. A great time! Jimi says he is going to quit giving me pointers because every once in a while I beat him. Lol


I have an internal interview with the Design Team at Crocs and am scheduled for a three part second interview sometime this week. I'm torn whether to take on a new job that I would much rather do, or stick it out here. I have decided to let things take their course and see what happens.


I learned that Grandma Hollister passed away last Thursday. Even though she was 92, she still lived alone and her passing was kind of unexpected.


Jimi left for the West coast this morning. He will make it to Moab today spending the night there to get some pics with his new camera. I am excited to see what he comes back with as far as marinas further south and the time laps stuff he is shooting in Moab.  


Speaking of camera - Jimi bought me a new (used) camera for valentines. We will still keep our compact point n shoot, but this new camera is an older Canon that I can experiment with the manual settings. I can learn all about the F-stop, aperture, depth of field, etc. - this camera is able to do everything JImi's camera can do. I am excited; however, my plate is pretty full with my various crafts, drawing, calligraphy, and moving; therefore, it will be slow going.


That's all for now. Happy Valentine's Day and President's day to all!!


Love everybody,

Lorie & Jimi

Monday, February 8, 2010

Keeping Busy - As Usual

Hello All,
We seemed to have a pretty full week - doing what we do best - keeping busy. :-)
I finished up my part for the January books and working with the Cencorp auditors. I crocheted with my ladies group; the little fashion scarf I'm making is coming along nicely and so far looks just as I pictured it. Jennifer and I had lunch with my friend Brenda on Saturday and then spent rest of the day shopping. I did more de-cluttering around the house, but mostly focused on my closets, dresser, jewelery boxes, and some in the kitchen. I just can't believe how quickly time is passing by.
Jimi spent almost three whole days in the garage: cleaning and organizing; he did more in his man-cave as well. :-) He cut away part of the wall above the door jam leading upstairs. It will open up that area a bit and will look real nice when finished. He hung his photography up at Cafe Luna last Monday; it will stay there for the month of February. He has begun the daunting task of copying our movies to electronic format; he set my laptop up so I can help him. This is a long process and will take us at least a couple of months. When he returns from his trip, he has a lot of plans for working on the house.
We did not play pool this week, but opted to stay home and veg. We had a quick dinner at the Rib House, watched parts of the Super Bowl and three movies over the weekend: Heat, A Serious Man, and 1/2 of Star Trek:The Wrath of Khan.
That's all for now. This coming weekend is Valentines; hope you have special plans for your loved one.
Love everybody,
Lorie & Jimi

Monday, February 1, 2010

Make time for friends!

Dear Friends and Family,
Hello to all! Another busy week gone by. Again busy and productive; however, not so productive in the way I desire. Not much play again and I have to say it's getting old and beginning to ware on me.
I am still spending a great deal of time working with the Cencorp auditors, though, I am hoping to have it wrapped up this week. I worked a little on some of my projects, but not enough and am now officially behind on my completed goals list, which just eats away at me to be behind schedule. Lol
My continued employment with Crocs is now looking promising. I never said anything to you before, but a while back it was expected that my position would be eliminated in January. While no news may seem like good news, the talk of now transferring my position to a new department could possibly mean it will not be eliminated. Of course, nothing is official at this point, but it is more hopeful.
The realtor has had a few showings on my house, but no contracts. She said it's still too soon to expect anything, but I am anxious to unload it.
Jimi prepared 20+ photos with mattes and frames for a show at the Cafe Luna Coffee Shop in Longmont during the month of February. It's really neat to see his stuff hanging in public. He's such a talented photographer. I am proud of him.
With our move possibly only months away, I began voicing my concern to Jimi that the location we chose to move to, Ft Bragg, California is not warm enough for me. The weather averages 65° year round. I would prefer a very minimum of 75°. He agreed and we have decided that he make a trip to the coast scouting marinas further south between San Francisco and Los Angeles. I would go with him if I wasn't working, but I should work as long as I can and will stay here. He plans to leave mid February. I will keep you posted.
Friday evening on my way home from work, I had a thought to call my long time best friend, who I have not spoken with for over a year. Our lives became so busy that we lost touch and both have failed to keep in touch. The saddest part about it is we live with in 25 miles of each other and work with 15 miles of each other. Anyhow, I called and we talked for over an hour. Then, we met for lunch on Sunday. A three hour lunch was not enough time to really catch up, so we are talking about doing a girls weekend get away for just the two of us. I didn't realize how much I've missed her. I didn't get a picture of us, but I will later.
Friday night Jimi and I ventured out to the Moose lodge for pool. OMG we had sooo much fun! We also ran some errands together in Boulder on Saturday driving the LTD and later watched a French film called Amelia.
All in all a good week. Hope you are doing well!
Love everybody,
Lorie & Jimi